Master List of Iris Photos

- Aachen Elf
- Aaron’s Bonus*
- Abbey Chant
- Abridged Version*
- Ace of Clubs
- Acoma*
- Add It Up
- Advance Design
- African Wine
- Afternoon Delight*
- After the Storm
- Agatha Christie
- Ahwahnee Princess
- Aladdin’s Flame
- Alately
- Alene’s New Love
- Alentejo
- Allah
- Almaden*
- Alpha Gnu
- Alpine Lake
- Altered States*
- Altruist*
- Amain
- Amazon Princess*
- Angel Heart
- Antigone*
- Anxious
- Apache Warrior
- Appleblossom Pink
- Apricot Drops
- Apricot Party
- Aqua Whispers*
- Artistic Dreams*
- Asha Michelle*
- Asia*
- Astounded*
- Auroralita
- Aurora Sea
- Autumn Bugler
- Autumn Maple
- Autumn Thunder*
- Autumn Tryst
- Az Ap
- Aztec Treasure*
- Azure Whir
- Baboon Bottom*
- Baby Blue Marine*
- Baby Boom
- Baby Prince
- Ballet Lesson
- Banded Rogue
- Bangles
- Banish Misfortune
- Banshee
- Bayberry Candle*
- Beach Baby*
- Before the Storm*
- Being Busy
- Belvi Queen
- Berkeley Gold*
- Between the Lines
- Beverly Sills
- new Bijou
- Billy Boy*
- Bistro*
- Bit More
- Bit of Chocolate
- Blackcurrant
- Black Flag*
- Black Magic
- Black Stallion*
- Black Suede
- Blast*
- Blenheim Royal
- Blessed Again
- new Bluebeard’s Ghost
- Blue Beret
- Blueberry Filly
- Blueberry Tart
- Blue Doll
- Blue Eyed Blond
- Blue Line
- new Blue Moss
- Blue Neon
- Blue Rhythm
- Blue Shimmer
- Bold Imp
- Bonanza
- new Boo
- Bountiful Harvest*
- Braggadocio*
- Branded
- Brand New Day
- Break Yolk*
- Bride’s Halo
- Bronzaire
- Bumblebee Deelite
- Butter and Sugar
- Cache of Gold
- Caldron Fire
- Calico Kid
- California Boy
- Candystriper
- Captain Indigo
- Car Hop
- Carolyn Rose
- Cascade Crest*
- Caterina*
- Cat’s Eye
- Caution Sign
- Cayenne Capers*
- Cee Jay
- Champagne Elegance*
- Champagne Encore
- Chanted
- Chart
- Chartres
- Chenedolle
- Cherry Garden
- Cherub’s Smile*
- Chickee
- Chicory Charm*
- Child Bride
- Chimera*
- China Spring
- Chocolate Cupcake
- Chocolate Swirl*
- Christmas Time*
- Chubby Cheeks
- Chubby Cherub
- Cinders
- Cinnamon Apples
- Circus Clown
- new Circus Dragon
- Clarence
- Codicil*
- Col. Candelot
- Concertina
- Concord Sprite*
- Constant Companion
- Coral Chalice*
- Corn Harvest*
- Cornhusker Autumn
- Coronation Anthem
- Country Dance
- Court Magician
- Cranapple
- Cristata Alba*
- Crystal Ruffles*
- Cute or What
- Daisy Fresh
- Dark Avenger
- Dark Blizzard*
- Dark Crystal
- Dark Vader
- Dark Waters
- Dashing*
- Dauntless
- Dawn of Change
- Dawn Waltz
- Dazzling Dominique
- Dazzling Gold*
- Death by Chocolate
- Delicate Pink
- Desert Orange*
- Designer Gown*
- Devil’s Dream
- Dewful*
- new Dividing Line
- Doll Ribbons*
- Doozey
- Dot Com
- Double Byte
- Double Shot*
- Double Standards
- Dragon’s Den
- Dr. Bernice
- Dream Indigo
- Drop of Sunshine
- Earl of Essex
- Easter Bonnet
- Easy
- Echo the Wind
- Edith Wolford*
- Elainealope*
- Eldorado
- Eleanor Clare
- Eleanor’s Pride*
- Elephant Footprint
- End Zone
- English Cottage
- Enriched
- Eramosa Skies
- Eric the Red
- Escape Hatch
- Eternal Bliss
- Ethereal Voices*
- Everything Plus*
- Ewen
- Fabian
- Fairy Favours
- Fakir’s Fire
- Falling in Love*
- new Fancy Sparkler
- Fantastic Blue*
- Fast Forward
- Faux Pas*
- Favorite Angel
- Feed Back
- Fine Idea
- Finsterwald
- Firestorm
- Flea Circus
- Flirting Again
- Floating Candles
- Florentina*
- Flower Shower
- Forest Clouds
- Forest Haimati*
- Forever Blue
- Forever Remembered
- new Forever Violet
- Forfun
- Fortune Seeker
- Frank Adams
- Fresh Baked
- From Shadowed Water
- Frosted Plum*
- Frosted Pyramid
- Frosty Rim
- Full Tide*
- Furioso
- Gallant Moment
- Gallant Rogue*
- Gay Border*
- Gay Parasol*
- Gay Sunshine
- Gemsee Gee*
- Genetic Artist
- Gentle
- Gentle Grace*
- Getup and Go
- Gibson Girl
- Gilded Cream*
- Ginger Swirl*
- Glazed Orange*
- Glitter Bit*
- Glowing Embers*
- Glow of Happiness
- Gnu Generation
- Gnu Rayz
- Gnuz Spread
- Goddess of Luck
- new Goddess of Pink
- Goddess of Yellow
- Golden Edge
- Golden Fair
- Golden Starlet
- Golden Violet
- Good Day Sunshine
- Good Show
- Gothic*
- Gotta Lotta Bodda*
- new Grandpa’s Girl
- Grapelet
- Grape Orbit*
- new Grapesicle
- Greene County
- Green Eyed Sheba
- new Greg
- Groovy Grubworm*
- Gypsy Queen
- Gypsy Woman
- Harpswell Snowburst
- Harvest of Memories
- Headline Banner
- Hee Haw*
- Helen Collingwood*
- Helmsman
- Herbal Tea
- Hey There
- Hi
- Hills of Lafayette*
- new Hissy-fit
- Hitching Post*
- Holidaze*
- Hollywood Nights*
- Holy Night
- new Honeyberry
- Honky Tonk Blues
- Honorabile*
- Huddle
- Hula Hands
- Humoresque*
- Ice Wings
- I Do
- Ida Red*
- Immortality
- Index
- Indian Beauty
- Indian Chief
- Indian Idyll
- Inferno
- Interpol*
- In the Red
- Invisible Ink
- Iris ensata variegata
- Irish Chant
- Iris lurida
- Iris pallida*
- Iris pseudacorus
- Iris setosa*
- Iris versicolor
- Isabelle
- Jan Elizabeth
- Jean Cayeux
- Jelly Belly
- Jesse’s Song*
- Jewel Baby
- Jewelled Crown*
- Jewel of Omar
- Jiggles
- John
- Jolly Joey
- Joseph’s Coat*
- June Prom
- Jungle Gem*
- Just a Croc
- Kaleidoscope*
- Khedive*
- King Tush
- Kiss Me Quick
- Kita-No-Seiza
- Kit Fox*
- Laced Cotton*
- Lady Emma
- Lady Fire*
- Lady Friend*
- Lady Mohr
- Lady Vanessa
- Lake Keuka
- Lake Seneca
- Latin Lover
- Laurie*
- Lavandulacea*
- Lavender Sparkle*
- Lee’s Blue
- Lemon Puff
- Lemon Reflection*
- Lemon Veil
- Lenora Pearl
- Leprechaun’s Delight
- Le Sabre
- Libation
- Lightning Streak*
- Lilac Wine*
- Lilting
- Lime Smoothy
- Little Annie
- Little Bay Denoc
- Little Egypt
- Little Episode
- Little Mohee
- Little Showoff*
- Little Violet Charm
- Lodestar
- Logo*
- Londonderry
- Lord of June
- Lovin’ Spoonful
- Low Ho Silver
- Lunar Frost*
- Marginal Way
- Mary Frances
- Mary White
- Maya Mint
- Merit
- Mesa Pearl
- Michael Paul
- Michigan Pride*
- Midday Blues
- Midnight Dancer*
- Midnight Mist
- Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Midsummer’s Eve*
- Mighty Mouse
- Mikey Likes It
- Ming
- Mini Champagne*
- Minidragon
- Misty Lady*
- Misty Twilight
- Mme. Chereau
- Mme. Chobaut
- Monsignor
- Moon Journey*
- Mrs. Andrist
- Mrs. George Darwin
- Munchkin*
- Muse
- My Fantasy
- My Souvenir
- Mysterious Monique
- Mystique
- Nancy Butterfly
- Natchez Trace
- Navajo*
- Navajo Pride*
- Nectar
- Negra Modelo
- Nessie
- New Idea
- New Moon*
- new Night Mood
- Nightshade*
- Northward Ho*
- No-We-Ta*
- Nu ée D’Orage*
- Nut Ruffles*
- Ocean Jewels*
- October Storm*
- Off Broadway
- Off She Goes
- Oklahoma Bandit
- Olympiad
- One Desire*
- Orange Slices*
- Orange Tiger
- Orinoco Flow*
- Othello
- Oyez*
- Pansy Purple
- Parisiana*
- new Party Animal
- Patacake
- Peach Jam*
- Peach Parasol*
- Peach Picotee*
- Pele
- Penny
- Pennywhistle
- Percheron
- Perfection
- Perfume Shop
- Persian Wood*
- Persimmon Pie
- Petite Edition
- Petite Monet*
- Picador*
- Pilgrims’ Choice
- Pink Attraction*
- Pink Blink
- Pink Jubilee
- Pink Kitten
- Pink Point
- Pink Tiger*
- Pixie Flirt*
- Please
- Pleasures of May
- Plum Wine
- Poem of Ecstasy*
- new Pond Lily
- Popsicle
- Praise the Lord*
- Pretty Pansy
- Pretty Princess
- Priceless
- Prince of Burgundy
- new Prince Victor
- Protocol
- Proud Tradition
- Pseudacorus Foliis Variegatis
- Pumpkin Cheesecake*
- Quail
- Quaker Lady
- Queen Dorothy
- Queen in Calico*
- Quicken
- Rabbit’s Foot*
- Radiant Apogee
- Rain Check*
- Rain Dance*
- Rameses
- Ranman
- Rare Edition
- Rare Penny
- Raspberry Fudge*
- Raspberry Jam
- Rebound
- Red Heart
- Red Rooster*
- Red Zinger
- Rejoice*
- Reminiscence
- Reprise
- Revved Up
- Rhages
- Rhein Nixe
- Rikugi Sakura
- Ringer
- Rinky-Dink*
- Rippling Rose*
- River of Dreams*
- Roaring Jelly
- Roku Oji
- Rosalie Figge*
- Rosemary’s Dream*
- Rosy Bows
- Rosy Wings*
- Royal Chant*
- Roz
- Ruby Eruption
- Ruby Wings
- Ruffled Velvet
- Sailboat
- Sandy Rose*
- San Francisco*
- Sapphire Gem
- Sarah Tiffney
- Seadancer
- Seafire
- Sea Monster
- Second Opinion
- Seneca Night Sky
- Serendipity Elf
- Serenity Prayer
- Shaker’s Prayer
- Shall We Dance
- Shameless
- Shebang
- Sherbet Lemon
- Sherlock
- Sign of Leo
- Silberkante
- Silent Strings
- Silverado*
- Silver Edge
- Sixteen Candles
- Skating Party*
- Sky Wings*
- Smart
- Smash
- Smitten Kitten*
- Smoke Rings
- Smokette
- Smooth
- Snickers
- Snow Tree
- Snowy River
- Soft Blue
- Solid Mahogany
- Somebody Loves Me
- Song of Norway*
- Sonoran Sands
- Sostenique*
- Sparkle
- Sparky
- new Spartan
- Special Class
- Spell
- Splash of Red
- Spreckles
- Spring Peeper
- Springs Brook
- Stairway to Heaven
- Starbaby
- Starstruck
- Star Surge*
- Starwoman
- Steffie
- Stepping Out
- Steve Varner*
- new Stitch Witch
- Sugar Blues
- Sugar Maple
- Summer Revels
- Summer Sky
- Summer Wine*
- Sun Dabs
- Sun Spirit
- Superstition*
- Surrounded
- Swank
- Sweet Aleda*
- Sweet Embrace
- Tact
- new Tahoma
- Tantara
- Tax Time
- Tea Apron*
- Tea Leaves*
- Tell Fibs
- Temple Meads
- Tessie the Tease
- Thais*
- Thornbird*
- Tickled Peach
- Tiger Honey
- Tinkerbell
- Titan’s Glory*
- Toujours*
- Triplet
- Triple Whammy*
- Triplicate
- Tweety Bird
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Tyke
- Ulalena*
- Vanity
- Vavoom
- Vegas Showgirl
- Velvet Toy
- Version
- Very Victorian
- Victoria Falls
- Vingolf*
- Vintage Press
- Violet Harmony*
- Violet Lulu*
- Vitafire
- Voices
- new Voila
- Wabash
- Wacko
- Wampum
- Webmaster
- Wee Lad
- Welch’s Reward
- Welder’s Flame
- Western Circles
- What Again
- Where Eagles Dare
- White Wine
- Why Two Kay
- Widow’s Veil
- Wild Horses
- Willow Ware
- Winesap
- Wine Spritzer
- Winged Angel
- Wings of Love*
- Winterland
- Winter Olympics*
- Wise
- Wishful Thinking
- With Castanets
- Wizard of Hope
- Wizard of Id*
- Yankee Skipper*
- Yaquina Blue*
- Yipee
- Zebra Blush
- Zing Me
- Zipper
- Zua
- Zurich
- unknown #2 – recurved purple MDB
- unknown #3 – yellow SDB
- unknown #6 – plum SDB
- unknown #8 – variegata SDB
- unknown #11 – white plicata SDB
- unknown #22 – tan blend TB
- unknown #24 – rust variegata TB
- unknown #25 – lavender TB
- unknown #26 – modern purple BB
- ID unknown #28 – purple amoena MTB
- unknown #31 (was #45) – dk neglecta TB
- unknown #34 – medium yellow TB
- unknown #37 – lavender SDB
- unknown #39 (was #43) – brt yellow TB
- unknown #40 – modern laced purple TB
- unknown #42 – red bitone BB
- unknown #44 – lavender bitone MTB
- unknown #47 – lavender MTB
- ID unknown #51 – veined variegata MTB
- unknown #52 – smoky neglecta TB
- unknown #56 – champagne TB
- unknown #63 – dusty rose bitone TB
- unknown #67 – orchid bitone TB
- unknown #72 – veined MTB
- unknown #81 – orchid TB
- unknown #82 – blue SDB
- ID unknown #84 – bicolor AB (was #61)
- unknown #85 – purple variegata TB
- ID unknown #87 – modern yellow IB
- unknown #92 – neglecta TB
- unknown #93 – blue neglecta TB*
- unknown #94 – variegata TB
- unknown bicolor arilbred
- unknown blue Siberian
- unknown lavender Siberian (arena)
- unknown modern dark purple TB (arena)
- unknown modern sky blue TB (arena)
- unknown neglecta TB (arena)
- unknown pale yellow TB (arena)
- unknown peach SDB (arena)
- unknown peach SDB (hayfield)
- unknown white TB (walkout)
- unknown lavender TB*
Miniature Dwarf Bearded (MDB)
- African Wine
- Alpine Lake
- Aurora Sea
- Bit More
- Black Stallion
- Blue Beret (hist)
- Blue Doll (hist)
- Branded
- Child Bride
- Chubby Cherub
- Cinnamon Apples
- Daisy Fresh
- Doozey
- Flea Circus
- Forever Violet
- Gay Sunshine (hist)
- Gnuz Spread
- Grapelet
- Hey There
- Invisible Ink
- Jolly Joey
- Lemon Puff (hist)
- Libation (hist)
- Little Mohee (hist)
- Maya Mint
- Mighty Mouse
- Munchkin (hist)
- Nancy Butterfly (hist)
- Pink Blink
- Pixie Flirt
- Snowy River
- Sparky
- Sun Dabs
- Velvet Toy (hist)
- Western Circles
- Wise
- Zipper (hist)
- unknown #2
Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB)
- Ace of Clubs
- Add It Up
- Advance Design
- Ahwahnee Princess
- Aladdin’s Flame
- Alene’s New Love
- Amazon Princess (hist)
- Apricot Party
- Auroralita
- Autumn Maple
- Baby Boom
- Baby Prince
- Ballet Lesson
- Beach Baby
- Being Busy
- Bijou
- Billy Boy
- Black Suede
- Bluebeard’s Ghost
- Blueberry Tart
- Blue Line
- Blue Moss
- Blue Neon
- Boo
- Brand New Day
- Break Yolk
- Cache of Gold
- California Boy
- Car Hop
- Cat’s Eye
- Caution Sign
- Chanted
- Chart
- Cherry Garden (hist)
- Chicory Charm
- Chocolate Cupcake
- Chocolate Swirl
- Chubby Cheeks
- Cinders
- Circus Clown
- Circus Dragon
- Cornhusker Autumn
- Court Magician
- Cute or What
- Dark Crystal
- Dark Vader
- Dazzling Dominique
- Death by Chocolate
- Delicate Pink
- Desert Orange
- Dot Com
- Double Byte
- Dragon’s Den
- Drop of Sunshine
- Elephant Footprint
- Eramosa Skies
- Escape Hatch
- Fairy Favours
- Fancy Sparklet
- Favorite Angel
- Fine Idea
- Firestorm
- Flirting Again
- Flower Shower
- Forever Blue
- Forfun
- Fortune Seeker
- Fresh Baked
- Gentle
- Gentle Grace
- Glitter Bit
- Gnu Generation
- Golden Fair (hist)
- Golden Starlet (hist)
- Golden Violet
- Grape Orbit
- Grapesicle
- Greg
- Groovy Grubworm
- Hee Haw
- Helmsman
- Herbal Tea
- Huddle
- Index
- Indian Beauty
- In the Red
- Irish Chant
- Jelly Belly
- Jewel Baby
- Jungle Gem
- Just a Croc
- Kiss Me Quick
- Kit Fox
- Leprechaun’s Delight
- Lime Smoothy
- Little Annie
- Little Episode
- Little Showoff
- Little Violet Charm
- Lovin’ Spoonful
- Michael Paul
- Midnight Mist
- Mikey Likes It
- Minidragon
- Muse
- Negra Modelo
- Nessie
- Nut Ruffles
- Orange Tiger
- Party Ånimal
- Patacake
- Pele
- Penny
- Petite Edition
- Pilgrims’ Choice
- Pink Jubilee
- Plum Wine
- Popsicle
- Quail (hist)
- Quicken
- Rabbit’s Foot
- Rain Dance
- Rare Penny
- Raspberry Jam
- Red Heart (hist)
- Ringer
- Ruby Eruption
- Ruby Wings
- Sapphire Gem (hist)
- Seadancer
- Seafire
- Sea Monster
- Serendipity Elf
- Serenity Prayer
- Sherlock
- Smart
- Smokette
- Smooth
- Snickers
- Snow Tree
- Splash of Red
- Spring Peeper
- Starbaby
- Stitch Witch
- Sugar Maple
- Surrounded
- Sweet Embrace
- Tahoma
- Tantara
- TaxTime
- Tell Fibs
- Tickled Peach
- Tinkerbell (hist)
- Triplicate
- Tweety Bird
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Vavoom
- Vegas Showgirl
- Violet Lulu
- Voices
- Wacko
- Webmaster
- Wee Lad (hist)
- Welder’s Flame
- What Again
- Why Two Kay
- Widow’s Veil
- Wild Horses
- Wine Spritzer
- With Castanets
- Wizard of Hope
- Wizard of Id
- Yankee Skipper
- Yipee
- unknown #3
- unknown #6
- unknown #8
- unknown #11
- unknown #37
- unknown #82
- unknown peach (arena)
Intermediate Bearded (IB)
- Abbey Chant
- Agatha Christie
- Alentejo
- Allah (hist)
- Angel Heart
- Apache Warrior (hist)
- Appleblossom Pink (hist)
- Astounded
- Az Ap
- Baby Blue Marine
- Banshee
- Berkeley Gold (hist)
- Bistro
- Bit of Chocolate
- Blackcurrant
- Black Magic (hist)
- Blast
- Blessed Again (hist)
- Blueberry Filly
- Blue Eyed Blond
- Bronzaire
- Captain Indigo
- Cee Jay
- Champagne Encore
- Chimera (hist)
- Clara Garland
- Concertina
- Constant Companion
- Country Dance
- Dark Avenger
- Dark Blizzard
- Dark Waters
- Dream Indigo
- Eleanor Clare
- End Zone
- Fantastic Blue (hist)
- Fast Forward
- Finsterwald
- Forest Clouds
- Furioso
- Gnu Rayz
- Goddess of Luck
- Goddess of Pink
- Goddess of Yellow
- Good Day Sunshine
- Gypsy Queen (hist)
- Hi
- Hills of Lafayette
- Hissy-fit
- Holidaze
- Honeyberry
- Hula Hands
- Indian Idyll
- John
- June Prom
- Le Sabre (hist)
- Logo
- Londonderry
- Low Ho Silver
- Lunar Frost
- Midday Blues
- Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Ming
- Monsignor (hist)
- Navajo (hist)
- Navajo Pride (hist)
- Nectar
- October Storm
- Oklahoma Bandit
- Perfume Shop
- Persian Wood
- Pink Kitten (hist)
- Pretty Princess
- Prince of Burgundy
- Prince Victor
- Protocol
- Rare Edition
- Red Zinger
- Revved Up
- River of Dreams
- Roz
- Shameless
- Sherbet Lemon
- Silent Strings
- Sixteen Candles
- Smitten Kitten
- Sonoran Sands
- Special Class
- Starwoman
- Tact
- Temple Meads
- Tessie the Tease
- Triplet
- Vingolf (hist)
- Vintage Press
- Voila
- Wampum
- Warm Puppy
- Willow Ware
- Winged Angel
- Wings of Love
- Zing Me
- Zua (hist)
- unknown #87
Border Bearded (BB)
- Baboon Bottom
- Banded Rogue
- Calico Kid
- Cranapple
- Faux Pas
- Headline Banner
- Ice Wings
- Lenora Pearl
- Midsummer’s Eve
- Mini Champagne
- Orinoco Flow
- Peach Parasol
- Persimmon Pie
- Red Rooster
- Rinky-Dink
- unknown #26
- unknown #42
Miniature Tall Bearded (MTB)
- Aachen Elf
- Abridged Version
- Alately
- Apricot Drops
- Bangles
- Bold Imp
- Bumblebee Deelite
- Carolyn Rose (hist)
- Chartres
- Chickee
- Concord Sprite
- Crystal Ruffles
- Dividing Line
- Doll Ribbons (hist)
- Easy
- Enriched
- Fakir’s Fire
- Gemsee Gee (hist)
- Grandpa’s Girl
- Honorabile (hist)
- Joseph’s Coat (hist)
- Kaleidoscope (hist)
- Lady Emma
- Little Bay Denoc
- Little Egypt
- Marginal Way
- Merit
- My Fantasy
- My Souvenir
- New Idea (hist)
- Petite Monet
- Please
- Priceless
- Reminiscence
- Rosemary’s Dream
- Sailboat
- Second Opinion
- Smash
- Spell
- Steffie
- Sun Spirit
- Tyke
- Welch’s Reward
- White Wine
- unknown #28
- unknown #44
- unknown #47
- unknown #51
- unknown #72
Tall Bearded (TB)
- Aaron’s Bonus
- Acoma
- Afternoon Delight
- After the Storm
- Almaden
- Altered States
- Altruist
- Amain
- Antigone (hist)
- Anxious
- Artistic Dreams
- Asha Michelle
- Asia (hist)
- Autumn Bugler
- Autumn Thunder
- Autumn Tryst
- Aztec Treasure
- Azure Whir
- Bayberry Candle (hist)
- Before the Storm
- Belvi Queen (hist)
- Beverly Sills
- Black Flag
- Blenheim Royal
- Blue Rhythm (hist)
- Blue Shimmer (hist)
- Bonanza (hist)
- Bountiful Harvest
- Braggadocio
- Bride’s Halo (hist)
- Caldron Fire
- Caterina (hist)
- Cayenne Capers (hist)
- Champagne Elegance
- Chenedolle (hist)
- Cherub’s Smile
- Christmas Time (hist)
- Clarence
- Codicil
- Col. Candelot (hist)
- Coral Chalice
- Corn Harvest
- Dashing
- Dauntless (hist)
- Dawn of Change
- Dazzling Gold
- Designer Gown
- Double Shot
- Dr. Bernice (hist)
- Earl of Essex
- Easter Bonnet (hist)
- Edith Wolford
- Elainealope
- Eldorado (hist)
- Eleanor’s Pride (hist)
- English Cottage (hist)
- Eternal Bliss
- Ethereal Voices
- Everything Plus
- Fabian (hist)
- Falling in Love
- Feed Back
- Florentina (hist)
- Frank Adams (hist)
- Full Tide (hist)
- Gallant Moment
- Gallant Rogue
- Gay Border (hist)
- Gay Parasol
- Getup and Go
- Gibson Girl (hist)
- Gilded Cream
- Ginger Swirl
- Glazed Orange (hist)
- Glowing Embers (hist)
- Good Show
- Gothic
- Gotta Lotta Bodda
- Greene County (hist)
- Gypsy Woman
- Harvest of Memories
- Helen Collingwood (hist)
- Hitching Post
- Hollywood Nights
- Holy Night
- Honky Tonk Blues
- Humoresque (hist)
- I Do (hist)
- Ida Red (hist)
- Immortality
- Indian Chief (hist)
- Inferno
- Interpol (hist)
- Jan Elizabeth (hist)
- Jean Cayeux (hist)
- Jesse’s Song
- Khedive (hist)
- King Tush
- Laced Cotton
- Lady Fire
- Lady Friend
- Latin Lover (hist)
- Laurie (hist)
- Lavandulacea (hist)
- Lavender Sparkle (hist)
- Lemon Reflection (hist)
- Lightning Streak
- Lilac Wine (hist)
- Lilting
- Lodestar (hist)
- Lord of June (hist)
- Mary Frances (hist)
- Mary White (hist)
- Michigan Pride (hist)
- Midnight Dancer
- Misty Lady
- Misty Twilight
- Mme. Chereau (hist)
- Mme. Chobaut (hist)
- Moon Journey
- Mrs. Andrist (hist)
- Mrs. George Darwin (hist)
- Mystique (hist)
- Natchez Trace (hist)
- New Moon (hist)
- Nightshade (hist)
- Northward Ho
- No-We-Ta (hist)
- Nu�e D’Orage (hist)
- Ocean Jewels
- Off Broadway
- Olympiad
- One Desire (hist)
- Orange Slices
- Othello (hist)
- Parisiana (hist)
- Peach Jam
- Peach Picotee
- Perfection (hist)
- Picador (hist)
- Pink Attraction
- Pink Point
- Pink Tiger (hist)
- Poem of Ecstasy
- Pond Lily
- Praise the Lord (hist)
- Pretty Pansy (hist)
- Proud Tradition
- Pumpkin Cheesecake
- Quaker Lady (hist)
- Queen Dorothy
- Queen in Calico
- Radiant Apogee (hist)
- Rain Check
- Rameses (hist)
- Raspberry Fudge
- Rebound
- Rejoice (hist)
- Rhages (hist)
- Rhein Nixe (hist)
- Rippling Rose (hist)
- Rosalie Figge
- Rosy Wings (hist)
- Royal Chant
- Sandy Rose
- San Francisco (hist)
- Sign of Leo (hist)
- Silverado
- Skating Party
- Smoke Rings (hist)
- Solid Mahogany (hist)
- Song of Norway
- Sostenique (hist)
- Spartan
- Spreckles (hist)
- Stairway to Heaven
- Starstruck
- Star Surge
- Stepping Out (hist)
- Sugar Blues
- Summer Wine (hist)
- Superstition (hist)
- Sweet Aleda
- Tea Apron (hist)
- Tea Leaves
- Thais (hist)
- Thornbird
- Tiger Honey
- Titan’s Glory
- Toujours
- Triple Whammy
- Vanity (hist)
- Victoria Falls (hist)
- Violet Harmony (hist)
- Vitafire (hist)
- Wabash (hist)
- Winesap
- Winterland
- Winter Olympics (hist)
- Wishful Thinking
- Yaquina Blue
- Zebra Blush
- Zurich
- unknown #22
- unknown #24
- unknown #25
- unknown #31
- unknown #34
- unknown #39
- unknown #40
- unknown #52
- unknown #56
- unknown #63
- unknown #67
- unknown #81
- unknown #85
- unknown #92
- unknown modern dark purple (arena)
- unknown modern sky blue (arena)
- unknown neglecta (arena)
- unknown pale yellow (arena)
Arilbred (AB)
- Genetic Artist (hist)
- Green Eyed Sheba
- Jewel of Omar
- Lady Mohr (hist)
- Oyez (hist)
- Ulalena
- unknown #84
- unknown bicolor halfbred
Japanese (JI)
- Cascade Crest
- Frosted Plum
- Frosted Pyramid (hist)
- Iris ensata variegata (hist)
Siberian (Sib)
- Aqua Whispers
- Banish Misfortune
- Butter and Sugar (hist)
- China Spring
- Coronation Anthem
- Dawn Waltz
- Devil’s Dream
- Dewful (hist)
- Double Standards
- Echo the Wind
- Eric the Red (hist)
- Ewen (hist)
- Floating Candles
- Forever Remembered
- Frosty Rim
- Glow of Happiness
- Golden Edge
- Harpswell Snowburst
- Isabelle
- Jewelled Crown
- Jiggles
- Kita-No-Seiza
- Lady Vanessa
- Lake Keuka
- Lake Seneca
- Lee’s Blue
- Lemon Veil
- Mesa Pearl
- Off She Goes
- Pansy Purple (hist)
- Pennywhistle
- Percheron
- Pleasures of May
- Ranman
- Reprise
- Rikugi Sakura
- Roaring Jelly
- Roku Oji
- Rosy Bows
- Ruffled Velvet (hist)
- Sarah Tiffney
- Seneca Night Sky
- Shaker’s Prayer
- Shall We Dance
- Shebang
- Silberkante
- Silver Edge (hist)
- Sky Wings (hist)
- Soft Blue
- Somebody Loves Me
- Sparkle (hist)
- Springs Brook
- Steve Varner
- Summer Revels
- Summer Sky (hist)
- Swank (hist)
- Very Victorian
- Where Eagles Dare
- unknown blue Siberian
- unknown lavender Siberian
Species Cross Irises
- Alpha Gnu
- Night Mood
Species Irises
- Iris cristata ‘Cristata Alba’ (hist)
- Iris lurida (hist)
- Iris pallida (hist)
- Iris pseudacorus (hist)
- Pseudacorus Foliis Variegatis (hist)
- Iris setosa – from Alaska (hist)
- Iris versicolor – native MN (hist)
- Iris versicolor ‘Between the Lines’
- Iris versicolor ‘Candystriper’
- Iris versicolor ‘Forest Haimati’
- Iris versicolor ‘From Shadowed Water’
- Iris versicolor ‘Mysterious Monique’
- Iris versicolor ‘Version’