Iris Violet Harmony

Iris ‘Violet Harmony’ is a stunning Tall Bearded Iris that lives up to its name with a beautifully balanced blend of violet and lavender hues. Its gracefully ruffled petals create an elegant and soft appearance, with the standards often displaying a lighter lavender tone while the falls deepen into a rich violet or royal purple. The contrast is enhanced by bright yellow or white beards, adding a touch of warmth and brightness to the bloom. This variety captures the essence of sophistication and serenity, making it a perfect choice for gardeners who love cool-toned floral displays.

Blooming in mid-to-late spring, ‘Violet Harmony’ reaches a height of around 36 inches, making it an excellent focal point in perennial borders, flower beds, or along garden pathways. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, requiring minimal maintenance beyond occasional division every few years to encourage continued blooming and plant health. Like other bearded irises, it is drought-tolerant once established and provides long-lasting beauty in the landscape.

With its rich purple tones and graceful ruffled petals, ‘Violet Harmony’ is a must-have for iris enthusiasts and those who appreciate elegant floral displays. Whether planted in mass groupings or combined with contrasting colors like white or yellow, this iris variety adds a sense of balance, depth, and refinement to any garden.

American Iris Society Registration Data

  • Description – B1M. Violet with light yellow beard. Fragrant
  • Hybridizer & Year of Introduction – Lowry, 1948
  • Classification – Tall Bearded
  • Bloom Period – Midseason
  • Bloom Height – 36″