Equine Answer Board Archive

Some questions appearing previously on my Equine Answer Board are categorized and archived on this page, along with my responses.

Riding & Training

• How can I teach my horse to stand still when I mount?

• The horse I ride moves when I mount or shift my weight in the saddle. Any advice?

• I’d like to stretch my horse’s front legs before I mount. How do I teach him to accept it?

• How can I safely condition a fat and out-of-shape mare?

• My horse has a stiff, weak leg. Is lunging a good way to strengthen it?

• Can you recommend any mounted exercises to help keep my rides fresh?

• Overarching is causing me back problems. How do I correct it?

• I’m helping a rider who pinches with her knees. How do I tell her to fix it?

• I’m behind my pony’s motion a lot. If I move my legs toward the girth more, would that fix it?

• My horse is very stiff, especially with bending. Can you recommend any softening exercises?

• How can I make my horse round and have a nice head-set?

• Will it help to use a copper roller bit to get my pony to drop his head and accept the bit?

• How do I soften my horse’s extremely hard mouth?

• How do I get my horse to take the correct canter lead?

• My horse canters very fast on his forehand. Can you help?

• I’m riding a horse with a very unbalanced and fast canter. How do I slow her down?

• How do I help my horse make the transition from Western to English?

• I want to switch from dressage to jumping. What am I in for?

• My spooky horse won’t jump till I show him every fence. Any suggestions?

• How do I handle a horse who runs out on his fences?

• My school horse drops her head, pulls, and runs after jumps. How do I prevent this?

• How high can my horse jump?

• I fall off a lot, especially when jumping. Can you help me?

• My school pony bucked me off, and now I’m afraid to ride him.

• I’ve never fallen off before, and the thought of it scares me.

• I recently rode a horse I haven’t ridden in a while, and she ran out the arena door while I was on her back! What should I do?

• My horse runs off and over anything in his path. Should I use a stronger bit? Should I continue to show him?

• I have an ex-racehorse who occasionally runs away with me. What am I doing wrong?

• My very experienced, headstrong horse sometimes bolts with me. How can I stop this?

• I went to a show, and the pony I rode went crazy. Please help me!

• How do riders keep from running into each other at the canter in a horse show?

• Can you describe what goes on in and out of the ring at a hunter/jumper show?

• What are judges looking for in equitation?

• Why are there so many poor-moving, western pleasure horses competing in hunter classes?

• I’m interested in showing Western pleasure, but I don’t know anything about it. Help!

• What’s the best breed and color of horse for Western pleasure?

• How can I stay calm during horse show classes?

• Thoughts on show ring competitiveness and perfectionism

Horse Health

• In light of the new information about possible over-vaccination, what do you recommend?

• I’ve been told I need to have my horse’s teeth floated. What does that mean?

• My horse has “scuffs” on her hind hooves. Is this a problem?

• What are “grass rings” in a horse’s feet? Are they the same as “founder rings”?

• My horse has scratches on all four legs. How do I get rid of it?

• My school pony’s eyes are very irritated. What should I do?

• What would be causing my horse’s bad breathing – cold air or dust?

• I’m getting a pony with a problem. I need information on moonblindness.

• I’m rescuing a horse with wobbles, and I need information on it. Can you help?

• My mare is itching her mane and tail horribly. Can you offer any suggestions for a remedy?

• How do you get rid of hock rubs?

Horse Care & Keeping

• How can I help my horse adjust to a new stable?

• Do you know of any horse toys that are hard for a horse to break?

• What is the minimum amount of exercise a horse requires to stay in reasonable condition?

• How long do horses live, and can you continue to ride a horse who is quite elderly?

• I ride a horse whose feet are long and cracked. Is it time to call the farrier?

• What should I do about the stagnant, spring runoff pond in my horse’s pasture?

• The horse I ride is very hard to catch in the pasture and is aggressive with me. Help!

• How can I catch a pastured horse who tries to bite and whose pasture mate charges me?

• Can I safely pasture several mares with foals together, or should I keep them separated?

• Is it best to keep my horses outside during the winter, and if so, how do I prepare them?

• My horse lost weight rapidly in his stall. How can I put it back?

• How can I put weight on my cribber?

• Should I keep my cribber outside all the time?

• I’m interested in buying a weanling. Can you tell me how to raise one?

Outfitting Your Horse

• How long will a saddle last if I keep it in good condition?

• Should horses be blanketed in the winter?

• How do you determine the size of a winter blanket?

• What sort of blanket is best?

• What sort of sheet is best?

• How should bell boots fit a horse’s hooves?

Horse Leasing & Purchasing

• I’m having difficulty finding a horse lease contract to use. Can you help?

• Should I buy my daughter a horse?

• What are the differences in temperament between a mare and a gelding, and should the gender of the animal be a determining factor in purchasing a horse?

• When purchasing a pleasure horse, what guidelines should be used to determine size and breed?

• I’m thinking of buying a horse who stumbles and has slight arthritis. Should I?

• I’m thinking of buying a horse who has a heart murmur. How can I negotiate her price?

Miscellaneous Equestrian Concerns

• How do I find a job exercising horses, and what sorts of other jobs are there?

• Do you know any exercises riders can do to keep in shape when they’re not riding?

• I’m scared of stallions, but I want to work as a stud. What should I do?

• I’m trying to return to my old stable, but it’s hard to make friends. Any suggestions?