A. The best fix for show ring nervousness is lots of show experience, but I’m glad you brought up the point about breathing. It’s extremely important and something many riders never stop to consider. Steady, relaxed breathing will help to calm your physical body, which in turn will help to relax your horse.

It’s also important to focus on any part of your body that feels particularly tense and to concentrate on relaxing that body part. Riders often tense their hands, seat, back, and legs when they get nervous. This, of course, will only serve to make the horse nervous as well.

However, the most important center of a rider’s focus in the show ring, in my opinion, should be encouraging the best possible ride from your horse. That’s what you’re there for. If you ride as well and accurately as you possibly can, that effort should adequately occupy your mind and your nerves for the duration of your class. Concentrate on the ride and the horse, not the show.