Equestrian Articles For Your Entertainment

For Your Entertainment: Tales from the Saddle Welcome to the lighter side of the equestrian world! This space is all about the fun, the missteps, and the unforgettable moments that come with life around horses. Whether you’re a rider, a horse lover, or just here for the stories, there’s plenty to make you smile, laugh,…


Q. Do you know any exercises that riders can do to stay in shape while they are not riding? A. Unfortunately, riding uses a very different set of muscles than most other activities, and it’s not easy to find unmounted exercises specifically designed to work those particular muscles. There have been, however, some very useful…

Negotiating Price

Q. I am interested in buying a 5-year-old, 16hh, dapple grey Irish Draft mare. She is green broke and the horse of my dreams. Recently, we found that she has a heart murmur increasing the chances of her colicing. The owners are asking $6,000, and I think that she isn’t worth that with her heart…

An Imperfect Purchase?

Q. I’m thinking of buying a horse. The horse is a Paint, large QH-type build, 15.2-15.3 hh. He is 10 years old, just getting back into jumping, and has been somewhat of a “pet”; the owner’s niece has been riding him lightly. He was shown when he was young. The current owner has had him…

Size and Breed

Q. When one purchases a pleasure horse, what guidelines should one use to determine size and breed? A. There are a number of factors to keep in mind when choosing an equine partner, and I consider the most important to be neither of the two mentioned in your question. In a pleasure mount, the first…


Q. What are the general differences in temperament between a filly (mare) and a gelding? Should the gender of the animal be a determining factor in purchasing a horse? A. I have always been one to evaluate horses as individuals rather than making sweeping generalizations about groups, but since you asked, I will make a…

Buying a Horse

Q. I have an eleven year old (just) daughter who is horse crazy and who is constantly begging for a horse of her own. We do have the facilities (country, small barn, fenced pasture) that make it difficult to say no. She is a good student, has grown up with animals (cats, dogs, bantams), and…