Leasing Contracts

Q. I am having a hard time finding a form to lease a horse. It is a full lease (board and feed, not vet and smithing). These forms are nowhere to be found. Could you please help me? A. First, please know that you must have any lease contract reviewed by a local lawyer before…

Bell Boots

Q. I was wondering how much bell boots should cover the hoof and what they should look like sizewise. A. Bell boots or over-reach boots should fit snugly (but not tightly) around the pastern and extend down over the entire heels to adequately protect the coronary bands and bulbs of the heels. They will not…


Q. Which is better – a nylon or canvas sheet and why? I want to use it for turnout, trailering, etc. Which would be more suitable, or would either be fine? A. One isn’t necessarily better than the other; it’s more a matter of what you’re using the sheet for. The canvas will most likely…


Q. I’m going to need to buy a winter blanket for my horse soon. I live in Maryland, and my horse gets cold in the winter. It does snow. I don’t think I’ll be clipping my horse’s coat, and he doesn’t grow much of one, anyway. My barn isn’t heated, and I will be turning…

Blanket Size

Q. How do you determine the size of a winter horse blanket? A. To determine the size blanket needed to correctly fit a specific animal, use a tape measure. Measure from the center of the horse’s chest, along his side, to the dock of his tail. Once you find this measurement, add two inches to…


Q. Some people say you should put warm blankets on horses in the wintertime, and some people say you shouldn’t because then they won’t grow heavy coats. What do you say? A. I live way up in frigid northern Minnesota where it can get down to -40F, and I rarely blanket any of my horses….

Saddle Life

Q. How long will a saddle last if I keep it in good condition? A. A good quality saddle should last until you outgrow it or for the rest of your riding life (whichever comes first), assuming you always take good care of it. You’ll have to have the billets replaced from time to time,…


Q. I’m interested in buying a weanling, but I have no idea how to raise one. I also don’t know how much an untried weanling would cost. I want to buy this weanling, but I need information about weanlings first! A. Oh boy, you’re looking at taking a tremendous risk and investing a huge amount…


Q. I have had my horse for fifteen years, and he has always been stalled with daily turnout (all-day turnout). He is a cribber, so he wears a cribbing collar 24/7. He’s always chewed at wood, but lately it seems that his wood chewing is getting much worse. Could he be “telling” me that he…

Thin Cribber

Q. I’m worried about my horse who’s lost weight. I noticed the weight change after he’d been in his stall for two days. I don’t let him out when there’s bad wind or rain because his left back leg gets stiff in cold rain. The two days that he was in, most of the other…