Springing into the Saddle

It’s spring … finally. It’s warm … miraculously. Cabin fever’s been working your nerves, and you have to get out and enjoy this eagerly awaited respite from a much-too-long winter. There he stands – Blaze – in his mud lot-soon-to-turn-green-pasture looking just as bored and frustrated as you feel. The ideal solution for you both:…

Bookstore 2

SHADOWOOD HORSE BOOKSTORE in association with AMAZON.COM Horse Training and Riding Books See Also: Horse Care and Stable Management Books Shadowood is proud to present this affiliate bookstore of Amazon.com. Amazon.com is a major online bookseller (also offering music, videos, and books on tape) and merchandise retailer with an extensive inventory covering every area of…

BookStore 1

SHADOWOOD HORSE BOOKSTORE in association with AMAZON.COM Horse Care and Stable Management Books See also : Horse Training and Riding Books Shadowood is proud to present this affiliate bookstore of Amazon.com. Amazon.com is a major online bookseller (also offering music, videos, and books on tape) and merchandise retailer with an extensive inventory covering every area…

Winterizing Your Horse

Horses are well suited to dealing with winter weather conditions. Left to their own devices in a natural state, horses will find adequate shelter, generate warmth by herding together, forage for appropriate food, and seek out open water to drink. Within the confines of domestication, however, horses become wholly dependent upon their owners to supply…

What’s New at Shadowood

Because the Shadowood website is being constantly improved, and because I want to make it easy for returning visitors to find the new material I’m adding frequently, I’m setting up this area. Here you will find every new addition or update to these pages listed in chronological order. Feel free to jump in wherever you…

Shadowood Horse Pages

Don’t miss taking the Horse Quizzes I’ve been a horse lover all my life. My first horse, Albert (you won’t want to miss reading his story), was the realization of the dream of my youth. He even went with me to college at William Woods in Fulton, MO, where I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in…

Horse Articles

Equestrian Articles For Your Education Horseback Riding Lessons for the Adult Beginning RiderAdults who want to fulfill lifelong dreams of learning how to ride horses require special consideration during riding lessons. Horseback riding instruction presents different challenges for adult riding students than for child riders. Building Safe Horse StallsBuilding safe horse stalls entails more than…