Can I Have a Horse?

“Can I have a horse? Can I, please? I promise I’ll feed him and brush him and ride him every day. Please … PLEASE … PLEASE?” How many hapless parents have been relentlessly bombarded with this urgent cry; the tearful, pleading eyes; the overwhelming burden of withholding from one’s own child that most essential element sure…

Springing into the Saddle

It’s spring … finally. It’s warm … miraculously. Cabin fever’s been working your nerves, and you have to get out and enjoy this eagerly awaited respite from a much-too-long winter. There he stands – Blaze – in his mud lot-soon-to-turn-green-pasture looking just as bored and frustrated as you feel. The ideal solution for you both:…

Recommended Books 2

SHADOWOOD’S GUIDE to ESSENTIAL HORSE BOOKS Horse Training and Riding Books See Also: Horse Care and Stable Management Books Shadowood is pleased to offer a selection of recommended equestrian books, carefully chosen for their quality and value. These titles cover a range of topics for horse enthusiasts, from care and training to equestrian history and…

Recommended Books 1

SHADOWOOD’S GUIDE to ESSENTIAL HORSE BOOKS Horse Care and Stable Management Books See also: Horse Training and Riding Books For those looking to expand their knowledge or simply enjoy a good read, Shadowood offers a carefully curated selection of equestrian books. These recommendations highlight some of the finest titles available, covering various aspects of horse…

Winterizing Your Horse

Horses are well suited to dealing with winter weather conditions. Left to their own devices in a natural state, horses will find adequate shelter, generate warmth by herding together, forage for appropriate food, and seek out open water to drink. Within the confines of domestication, however, horses become wholly dependent upon their owners to supply…

Shadowood Horse Pages

Hi there! The author has been a horse lover all their life. Their first horse, Albert (a story worth reading), was the realization of a youthful dream. Albert even accompanied the author to college at William Woods University in Fulton, MO, where they earned a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Equestrian Studies….

Equestrian Articles For Your Education

Welcome to Your Equestrian Journey! Whether you’re a seasoned horse lover or just beginning to explore the world of equestrian life, this collection of articles is here to guide, inspire, and educate. From the first steps of learning how to ride to caring for horses through every season of life, there’s something here for every…