Albert – Part one

My Early Years He’s gone now – the all-consuming dream and obsession of my youth; the culmination of years of begging, scheming, and ecstatic toil; my first horse; my delicate little, green-broke, grey Arabian filly. Well all right, perhaps he wasn’t a filly, or grey, or even possessed of a single drop of Arabian blood,…

How Many Canters?

The canter is a three-beat, broken diagonal gait – outside hind, inside hind/outside fore, inside fore. We all know that. So what are all of those other faster-than-trot, slower-than-run variations we riders are subject to from time to time? Individual differences in equine carriage and conformation can account for a certain degree of variance in…

The Rites of Spring

In April each year comes the none-too-eagerly anticipated time when the horses and I are compelled to shed the fast-held remnants of winter’s relative inactivity and begin the slow, progressive trek back into summer’s energetic routine. In northern Minnesota, none but the hardiest and most determined (not to mention most masochistic) equestrian enthusiasts pursue their…

Can I Have a Horse?

“Can I have a horse? Can I, please? I promise I’ll feed him and brush him and ride him every day. Please … PLEASE … PLEASE?” How many hapless parents have been relentlessly bombarded with this urgent cry; the tearful, pleading eyes; the overwhelming burden of withholding from one’s own child that most essential element sure…