Horse Care and Stable Management Books
See also: Horse Training and Riding Books
For those looking to expand their knowledge or simply enjoy a good read, Shadowood offers a carefully curated selection of equestrian books. These recommendations highlight some of the finest titles available, covering various aspects of horse care, training, and equestrian life.
Whether you’re an experienced rider or just starting, these resources are sure to offer valuable insights and inspiration.

Equine Medicine & Surgery
by Patrick T. Colahan, Ian G. Mayhew, Alfred M. Merritt, James Moore
This is a comprehensive volume written for the practicing veterinarian. As such, it employs veterinary medical terminology which may be difficult for the horse person to understand. It is, nonetheless, a very valuable reference for those acquainted with the terminology.

How to Be Your Own Veterinarian (sometimes): A Do-It-Yourself Guide for the Horseman
by Ruth B. James
Horse owners will find How to Be Your Own Veterinarian a fine do-it-yourself guide that differentiates home care from when it’s time to call for professional help. From horse management, safety, and foaling to treating common injuries and recognizing skin, eye, and digestive problems, this should be on the shelves of any horse owner. (Review by Midwest Book Review)

Emergency!: The Active Horseman’s Book of Emergency Care
by Karen E. N. Hayes
This is a wonderful book for any horseman to have. There is a lot of valuable information regarding OTC and prescription drugs … Also, there are rules and regulations for horse shows such as AHSA … what drugs you can compete on and which ones not. This book also states the law about the drugs … Plus she gives you step-by-step instructions to take care of your horses when there is no vet around. (Description provided by Leeann Watson).

Problems in Equine Medicine
by Christopher M. Brown
This text/reference covers widely seen symptoms, among them: chronic weight loss, acute abdominal pain, labored breathing, anemia, poor athletic performance, and heart murmurs. (Description provided by Book News, Inc.)

Atlas of Equine Anatomy

Principles of Conformation Analysis
by Deb Bennett
These titles are out of print. Although they are no longer available from the publisher, will query their network of used bookstores for you and send an update within one to two weeks.

Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management
by Mina C.G. Davies Morel
This book is intended as a reference/textbook for all those interested in the Reproductive Physiology and Breeding of the horse. It is intended for use by students (specifically degree and basic postgraduate level) and those who manage and/or own breeding stock. It is also designed to be of use as a basic text for Veterinary surgeons/students. It is divided into two main sections, the science of equine reproduction followed by its application. The book has many line drawings and color photographs and is fully referenced. The book is widely used and recommended by many Universities and Educational Institutes as a standard student textbook. (Description provided by the author, Dr. Mina C.G.Davies Morel)

The Complete Book of Foaling: An Illustrated Guide for the Foaling Attendant
by Karen E. N. Hayes
Designed as a crash course in the foaling process, takes the reader through the birthing of a foal, from three weeks before foaling, through the new baby’s first 12 hours, and includes a discussion of the most common problems in the foaling process. Explains how to troubleshoot problems and also explains why a problem has occurred. Includes drawings and photographs. (Review provided by Book News, Inc.)

Complete Guide for Horse Business Success
by Janet E., CPA English
This book answers the “how and why” of everything from successful business techniques to dealing safely with legal situations, liabilities, and insurance. It also offers record-keeping methods and a list of horse-related software programs. It shows you how to prepare a professional business plan that will attract investors when you need them, and provides information on depreciation and maximizing tax savings. Detailed charts and graphs make the accounting and taxation section so easy to understand, that you’ll be giving your CPA advice! A special section includes over 20 sample contracts. You’ll use this book as a year-round reference.

Legal Forms, Contracts and Advice for Horse Owners
by Sue Ellen Marder, J. B. Oakes
I don’t know how many times I have been asked to provide examples of contracts or forms that deal with horses. However, the matter is not so simple as just having a copy of the piece of paper someone else uses. Equine laws are not only difficult to interpret but also vary from state to state. This book is a great place to start. It contains examples of almost any kind of form necessary in the horse industry: sale, boarding, breeding, etc., and also supplies information on how to use the forms. This gives horse owners a base of knowledge and draft contracts to take to their own lawyers for review. (Description provided by Karen Rust)

Horses and Horsemanship
by M. Eugene Ensminger
This is a wonderful general resource for all things horses. Chapters cover topics ranging from selection of a horse to breeding to feeding to health to horsemanship and all points in between. A valuable volume for the equestrian library.

The Horse
by J. Warren Evans, Harold Hintz, Warren J. Evans
This is the definitive text on horses. It is a *must-have* for the library of any true horseman. The Horse is an in-depth reference for virtually all topics ranging from feeding to health care to breeding. It is used as a college text. Under the unassuming title, the ordinary cover, and the thick binding lies a treasure of equine knowledge. BUY IT! (Description provided by Karen Rust)

The Complete Horse Care Manual
by Colin Vogel
This is the PERFECT book for a beginner, a child, or anyone thinking about getting involved with horses. There are lots of excellent photographs accompanied by surprisingly in-depth descriptions, definitions, and procedures. The book is aimed at the English rider and covers all topics from health to nutrition to tack. I consider myself a very knowledgeable professional, and even I am glad to have this book in my library. (Description provided by Karen Rust)

Horsekeeping on a Small Acreage: Facilities Design and Management
by Cherry Hill, Richard Klimesh (Illustrator)
Whether you have one acre or one hundred, this book will help you design, remodel, and manage your horse facilities with safety, comfort, and convenience in mind. Since land is becoming more scarce with each moment, we need to learn how to protect this valuable resource and still enjoy our horses. I cover designing the layout, barn planning, fencing, training facilities, pasture management, tractor and implement selection, water, sanitation, routines and records, and more. The 179 pages contain over 120 photos and illustrations. (Description provided by Cherry Hill)

Grooming to Win: How to Groom, Trim, Braid, and Prepare Your Horse for Show
by Susan E. Harris
This is a classic and indispensable text on grooming the horse. It is valuable for anyone who is showing (or selling a horse) in any discipline. This book is written in a clear and concise manner with many helpful illustrations. It is equally valuable to the novice and the experienced horse person alike. Deserving of a spot on any equestrian’s bookshelf.

The Complete Guide to Buying, Maintaining and Servicing a Horse Trailer
by Neva Kittrell Scheve, Thomas G. Scheve
This is an excellent reference book about trailers and trailering. The author discusses trailering from the horse’s point of view, stressing the importance of reducing health hazards and stressors to the horse. She also mentions the fashion-statement aspect of trailer design and purchase, and how it correlates (or doesn’t) with what is good for the horse. Besides advice on selecting a suitable trailer, and tips on safe hauling, this book has an extensive section on maintenance, including schedules of maintenance, to keep your trailer in safe condition. (Description provided by Elizabeth Moon)

Hawkins Guide 1995: Horse Trailering on the Road
by Neva K. Scheve (Author)