Q. I’m fifteen years old and will be showing for the first time. Can you describe what goes on in and out of the ring at the show? I ride English (jumping/hunter).
A. Without knowing what sorts of shows and exactly which classes you intend to enter, it’s impossible to tell you what to expect in the ring. Each showing organization has its own set of rules and available classes. You can get all of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) rules, class descriptions, etc. from their rulebook posted at the following URL:
USEF Rulebook
Even if you don’t intend to show USEF, the information in their rulebook will give you a very good idea of how hunter/jumper classes are conducted in general. You can get more specific information by contacting your intended competitive association directly.
As far as what occurs outside the showing arena is concerned, there are a million and one activities that all boil down to one thing … PREPARATION! And preparation begins long before you ever make it to the showgrounds. It begins with learning the requirements of your competitive classes (which you are clearly doing 🙂 ) and taking the time to hone your skills before entering the show ring. It begins with exercising your horse every day to bring him to a fit condition and make sure he possesses the skills necessary to complete his classes. It begins with spending a lot of time at horse shows observing the activities both in the ring and behind the scenes to see how the entire showing experience operates.
Offering to assist someone who is already actively showing is a great way to learn the behind-the-scenes routines. Among other things, you will need to learn to groom your horse immaculately for exhibition, bathe, braid, clip, and polish. You’ll need to clean all tack, polish your boots, put up your hair, warm up your horse, change into your show clothes, organize your time, and maintain your sanity … oh yeah, and relax. It all takes practice, and helping someone else with these chores a few times before taking them all on by yourself will help you prepare for your first big solo.