Q. My mare is itching horribly. She now has NO hair left at the top of her tail and very little hair left in her mane. She has itched moderately since we got her – a little Tea Tree oil every day, and it appeared to be under control.
Last year when she was hurt, the itching got much, much worse. I chalked it up to 1)her foot hurt, 2)she was confined to a pen instead of being out with the others, and 3)possibly some of the medication she was on for her foot made her itch worse. The vet advised and we treated with topical cortisones. We had limited success with them. I have tried the following: tea tree oil, Listerine, skin so soft, diluted bleach water, and any number of itch sprays on the market. All have been to no avail. She has been checked and rechecked for worms; I worm on time and rotate my worms.
As of now, she has very few scabs. We keep them clean and medicated. Unless it becomes worse and I feel that infection is threatening, I don’t want to go to the steroid injections. She has been injected enough, and I don’t like the long-term after-effects.
Could you please offer any suggestions as to a remedy to make her more comfortable?
A. Ah, the dreaded summer itchies! I suspect your mare is either under attack by one or more external parasites (midges, ticks, black flies, gnats, etc.) that are irritating her skin to the point of intense itchiness or to which she is allergic, OR she is photosensitive.
Photosensitivity would make sense if the pen to which she’s been restricted lacks access to shade which may have been previously available in the pasture. Try keeping her out of the sun for a couple of weeks if possible to see if that improves her condition and comfort level. Keeping her in during daylight hours and putting her out at night should keep her from going stir-crazy.
You might also want to consider applying an insecticide to her mane and tail to prevent parasite infestations. You should check with your vet first, as you don’t want to use any chemicals on already-irritated mane and tail tissues that may make things worse instead of better.