Iris Az Ap
Iris Az Ap
Iris Az Ap

American Iris Society Registration Data

  • Description – Cobalt blue (HCC 44/3) self; gentian blue (42/1) beard. Charmed Circle X 73-1: ((Spring Salute x ((Patience x Welch N503) x (Jungle Shadows x pumila))) x (((Jungle Shadows x pumila) x (Jungle Shadows x Cretica)) x ((Jungle Shadows x Cretica) x Kavan 11-66))). Varigay Gardens 1980. HM 1982, AM 1984, Sass Medal 1987
  • Hybridizer & Year of Introduction – A. Ensminger, 1980
  • Classification – Intermediate Bearded
  • Bloom Period – Early-late and Reblooming (CA, MO, TX, Holland, zones 6-8)
  • Bloom Height – 22″