Frequently Asked Questions About Irises

What can you tell me about reblooming bearded irises?
Many bearded irises have been developed that can bloom more than once per growing season, but most of these will rebloom only in warmer parts of the country with extended growing seasons. There are, however, a few that have been reported to rebloom in colder climates, and a number of hybridizers are working on breeding more of these cold-climate performers. Repeat bloom is variable in most reblooming cultivars. Some irises are sporadic rebloomers which may only repeat bloom once every few years. Others may rebloom fairly reliably in favorable climates. Still others are multiple rebloomers or everbloomers that may continue to bloom throughout most of the growing season, but again primarily in warmer climates. Irises advertised as rebloomers possess the genetic potential to repeat bloom under certain conditions, but they will not necessarily rebloom in all gardens. Providing full sun, extra water, and extra fertilizer after spring bloom may inspire potential rebloomers to send up more stalks later in the season.
Gardeners interested in adding rebloomers to their gardens might consider purchasing the Reblooming Iris Checklist available through Charlie Brown, RIS Membership Chairman, 3114 So. FM 131, Dennison, TX 75020. This Checklist describes most reblooming iris cultivars registered through 1998 along with the locations in which they have been reported to rebloom.
Rebloomers should be purchased only from reputable commercial iris growers. Such growers will be able to recommend cultivars most likely to rebloom in specific growing conditions and climates.