Ace of Clubs
American Iris Society Registration Data
American Iris Society Registration Data
American Iris Society Registration Data
American Iris Society Registration Data
American Iris Society Registration Data
American Iris Society Registration Data
Frequently Asked Questions About Irises Question: Where can I find official AIS iris registration data and photographs? Answer: The American Iris Society is the official international registry for all non-bulbous iris cultivars. They are responsible for processing and maintaining registration data on all bearded, beardless, and crested iris cultivars. The AIS publishes and sells annual Registrations…
Frequently Asked Questions About Irises Question: What can you tell me about reblooming bearded irises? Answer: Many bearded irises have been developed that can bloom more than once per growing season, but most of these will rebloom only in warmer parts of the country with extended growing seasons. There are, however, a few that have…
Frequently Asked Questions About Irises Question: Why don’t my irises seem to match their catalog or package descriptions and photos? Answer: There are several explanations that may account for such discrepancies. First and most obviously, you may have acquired a mislabeled plant. Large discount retailers and home building centers (the “Marts”) are notorious for selling…
Frequently Asked Questions About Irises Question: My purple iris turned white. Why did my iris change color? Answer: Irises do not change color – not on a permanent basis, anyway. It is possible that herbicide drift can cause temporary changes in iris pigmentation (do you use RoundUp or have a nearby neighbor who does?). If…
Frequently Asked Questions About Irises Question: How should I prepare irises for shipping? Answer: The procedure for preparing iris plants for shipment from one garden to another varies according to the iris variety being shipped. There are essentially four basic categories of irises: bearded (bearded species and cultivars, arils, and arilbreds), crested (cristata, tectorum, japonica,…