Lamie is a mix of opposites–a paradox if you will. She is one tough chick and will stand up to almost anyone and anything … anything with four legs, that is. But she’s also the most physically vulnerable of the family felines.
This little girl had a hard start. Being one of the babies, Lamie suffered through that terrible night with the rest. Unfortunately, she was also injured during the fracas and was left as a tiny kitten of barely five weeks with hindquarters that would not function properly. She could move, but clumsily. Her hind legs were not able to maintain proper position and splayed apart under her body, particularly on the wooden sections of the floor in the upstairs bedroom. She didn’t seem to be in any discomfort, but it was difficult to watch her struggle to keep up with her siblings and cousins. Try, though, she did.
We took the wee one to the vet who examined her, diagnosed some sort of spinal or neurological injury, and told us time would tell if the kitten would regain normal function of her rear limbs. And so it did. Within a month or two, Lamie showed absolutely no signs of the earlier trauma and ran, played, jumped, and climbed like any other rambunctious, juvenile feline.
It wasn’t until time for all the babies to be spayed and neutered that Lamie’s physical delicacy reared its discomforting head again. We took all five youngsters to the vet together for the neutering process (got a great “package” deal) and came back a couple of hours later to pick up our very groggy brood. Actually, all felines slept peacefully (thank goodness!) for the hour-long trip back home. Lamie’s two sisters and two cousins pretty well came out of the anesthesia later that same evening. Lamie, however, wasn’t able to shake off the effects of the drug for two days. Sure had me worried. But once again, my tough little girl pulled all necessary strength to the fore and recovered completely.

Such a Halloween cat!