
This is the story of a starving kitten who found herself in the right place at exactly the right time. I journaled her rescue, rehabilitation, and integration into my family on one of the online Pet Forums to which I subscribe. Following is a version of that chronicle, edited to remove comments made by other…

The Three Mouseketeers

Chapter Six – Family at Last Sep 23, 20055:03 PM Phantom is so funny. Now that he’s finally figuring out that the Bad Boy Mouseketeers aren’t really trying to kill him, he’s making rapid progress exploring the other parts of the house. I mentioned that he’s been peeking around the office and guest bedroom recently and that…

The Three Mouseketeers

Chapter Five – Forging Alliances Aug 29, 20059:32 AM The last few days have seen astonishing progress here at Shadowood. Last Thursday, I decided to start allowing Feather limited access to the bedroom to see how he would interact with Phantom. To my great surprise, Feather immediately went under the bed with Phantom (to intimidate him, no…

The Three Mouseketeers

Chapter Four – Ah Yes, Testosterone Jul 17, 20053:18 PM Phantom left me a bit discouraged after that first full-body rub experience. Later that same day when I called him to the gate for another body rub, not only would he not come up to the gate with my arm stuck through the side, but he wouldn’t…

The Three Mouseketeers

Chapter Three – Reunion Jul 2, 20051:46 AM It’s 1:00 a.m., and I am still so jazzed that I can not sleep! So I will tell the story of tonight’s events. First I should mention that Tasha treed NC again last night, and again I tried to get to him before he jumped out of the tree….

The Three Mouseketeers

Chapter Two – The Lost, The Found, and The Fearful Jun 4, 20056:46 AM I made a capture last night, but unfortunately, it isn’t NC. It’s BP, and I don’t know if I’ve EVER seen such a panicked cat. (S)he’s running in circles in the trap, banging HARD into the sides trying to escape. BP won’t stay…

The Three Mouseketeers

Chapter One – First Contact This is the story of three cats who found their ways onto my farm and into my family in the summer of 2005. I journaled their arrivals and integrations on one of the online Pet Forums to which I subscribe. Following is a version of that chronicle, edited to remove comments made…

The Babies

BooBoo and her cousin, Noddy, enjoy a quiet snuggle. The babies came into our lives in a most tragic way. An acquaintance had been going through a very rough period and had expressed suicidal intentions several weeks earlier. He had asked me to take his animals in the event he was no longer around to do the…