“Zing Me” is another delightful cultivar within the world of Tall Bearded Irises. It’s known for its vibrant and energetic coloration, a stark contrast to the softer hues of “Zebra Blush.” “Zing Me” typically features bright, often intensely colored standards and falls. The specific colors can vary slightly depending on the exact cultivar, but you’ll often see combinations of yellows, oranges, reds, and even purples. The “zing” in its name refers to this vibrant, eye-catching quality. Unlike the subtle blending of colors in “Zebra Blush,” “Zing Me” irises tend to have more distinct and contrasting color patterns. This makes them a bold choice for gardeners who want to add a splash of drama and excitement to their landscapes. “Zing Me” irises, like other Tall Bearded varieties, also possess the characteristic fuzzy beard on their falls, though in this case, the beard’s color often complements the overall vibrant color scheme. These irises typically bloom in the late spring or early summer and require similar growing conditions to other Tall Bearded Irises, preferring full sun and well-drained soil. If you’re looking for an iris that makes a statement and adds a burst of energy to your garden, “Zing Me” is an excellent choice.

American Iris Society Registration Data

  • Description – S. cream to creamy lemon; F. creamy white, lemon edge, large brown circular area 2/3 down; beards brown, bushy. Jazzamatazz X (Embassadora x Evening Echo)
  • Hybridizer & Year of Introduction – Barry Blyth, 1990/91
  • Classification – Intermediate Bearded
  • Bloom Period – Early midseason
  • Bloom Height – 20″