Stallion Fear

A. I’m afraid I’m not the best person to answer your question. I have extremely limited direct experience with stallions and a HUGE distrust of them. I have known stallions who were poorly handled and very dangerously behaved, and I have known stallions who were very well handled and no less dangerous. One of the best-behaved and “gentlest” stallions I ever knew decided one day to reach over and rip about 40 stitches worth of flesh out of his owner’s side for absolutely no apparent reason. It was enough to convince me that there is no such thing as a “gentle” or “safe” stallion, and that opinion has never been changed. In my experience, stallions are too preoccupied with their own purpose on the planet to make them safe or reliable in proximity to humans – an extreme opinion, I know, but it’s kept my flesh intact. This is not to say that reasonable stallions do not exist. Perhaps they do. But I will be forever timid and distrustful around them.

I’m afraid you’re the only one who can determine whether your reaction to the stallion was excitement or fear. Further exposure to stallions in a well-controlled environment will eventually bring the truth to light. If you do feel fearful of the stallions and you do not see the feeling abating with further experience, try seeking a position at a stud that will allow you to work exclusively with the mares and youngsters. Nothing I have ever done with horses has brought me as much joy as raising a foal. They are wonderful!