Horse Articles

Equestrian Articles

For Your Education

Horseback Riding Lessons for the Adult Beginning Rider
Adults who want to fulfill lifelong dreams of learning how to ride horses require special consideration during riding lessons. Horseback riding instruction presents different challenges for adult riding students than for child riders.

Building Safe Horse Stalls
Building safe horse stalls entails more than slapping together scrap lumber and rigging a door. Horse size, strength, and behavior will influence decisions regarding horse stall size, building materials, flooring, lighting, and feed and water delivery.

Winterizing Your Horse
They’re coming – those horrid, frigid months. You’d like to curl up by the fireplace and hibernate till spring, but there’s that big, four-legged obligation in the barn who needs your help to make it through the winter. This article will help you prepare both your horse and your stable for whatever Ma Nature has in store.

Can I Have a Horse?
If you’re a parent with a horse-crazy kid, you’ve no doubt heard this plea before. This article takes you through a nine-step process to buying that perfect equine companion.

But I Don’t Have a Horse!
Horseless and frustrated? No need. Read this article for many ideas to get you in touch with the beloved beasts even if you aren’t in a position to own one at the moment.

Finding the Right Riding Instructor
Riding lessons are a great way to be introduced to equestrian activity, but how do you find the perfect instructor? Read this article and find out.

Riding and the Heavy Rider
Describes some of the special challenges faced by heavier riders

Just Because He’s Geriatric
Horses age (don’t we all?) and require special considerations and management as they do. Learn about equine geriatrics in this article.

Fighting Those Infamous Fungi
Ringworm, rain rot, girth itch. Just makes you want to scratch, doesn’t it? Find out how to deal with these fungal invaders.

Springing into the Saddle
So, you’ve been a couch potato, and your horse has been a pasture ornament all winter. Now, you’re eager to enjoy that first great ride of spring. Hold on. Read this article to help get you started on the right hoof.

For Your Entertainment

The Rites of Spring
For a more lighthearted look at the springtime reintroduction to the saddle

The Case of the Perpetual Beginner
I’ve had many beginnings in my equestrian career. This story chronicles a few of them and gives value to novice experience.

How Many Canters?
Canter. Lope. 3-beat. 4-beat. Fast. Slow. Flashy. Smooth. And what the heck is a hand gallop, anyway? Take a peek at this humorous guide to the faster-than-trot, slower-than-run model of equine movement.

Albert – The story of my first horse – read it … you’ll like it

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