A. Proper spinal alignment begins with the seat bones. You can not establish a straight back unless you are sitting squarely on your seat bones – not back on your tailbone and not forward on your crotch (which is usually where a rider with an arched back ends up). Once you have located and positioned your seat bones firmly against the saddle, close your eyes and imagine yourself to be a marionette (a puppet with strings).

Now you get to have a bit of fun. Envision the movie or rock star of your choice as your puppeteer. This person is pulling your strings of which there are only two – one connected to the center of your chest and the other to the top of your head. Imagine your puppeteer quite a ways above and slightly behind you (since many hunt seat riders tend to ride leaning a bit too far forward). Now feel the lifting of the strings. Feel your chest lifted and moved slightly back from its center. Now feel your head being lifted. Keep breathing and stay perfectly relaxed. Let your puppeteer do all the work. REMEMBER, there are only two strings, and these are the only two spots from which you should feel lifting. There are NO strings attached to your shoulders. They should not lift at all. Your legs must not tighten to help the lift. Your seat must be heavily weighted on your seat bones in the saddle. It is only everything above the seat bones that will be straightened and lengthened by the lifting. Now your back will be long, straight, relaxed, and perfectly aligned above your seat bones. What could be better?